Volume 2, Issue 3 (Aug 2014)                   Res Mol Med (RMM) 2014, 2(3): 17-22 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini khah Z, Bahadori Z, Rafiei A, Hajilooi M. Association of FCγRIIA (CD32) polymorphism with susceptibility to brucellosis. Res Mol Med (RMM) 2014; 2 (3) :17-22
URL: http://rmm.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-88-en.html
1- 1Molecular and Cell Biology Research Center, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Mazandaran, Iran
2- 2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3- 3Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, Hamedan, Iran
Abstract:   (6330 Views)

Background: Brucellosis is the major bacterial zoonoses of global importance caused by Brucella spps. FCγRIIA receptor plays a central role in phagocytosis of IgG2-opsonized bacteria. FCγRIIA exhibits allelic polymorphisms with different capacities for binding IgG2 and phagocytosis. Cells expressing Fc γ RIIa-H131, bind more efficiently to complexes of IgG2 than those expressing the Fc γ RII A -R131 variant. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of FCγRIIA polymorphisms with susceptibility to or severity of brucellosis.

Materials and Methods: In this study, we evaluated FCγRIIA polymorphisms (R/R131, R/H131, H/H131) in 67 patients with brucellosis and 67 age, sex and geographical matched healthy volunteers. FCγRIIA genotyping was performed by using a sequence-specific primer polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR).

Results: The comparison of the FCγRIIA genotypes distribution in patients with brucellosis and controls showed a higher frequency in FCγRIIA-R/R131 homozygosity in patients than controls (47.8% vs. 28.4%). Logistic regression analysis showed that there is a significant correlation between R/R131 genotype and brucellosis (OR=2.3, 95%CI=1.3-4.2, P=0.04). Although the frequency of the FCγRIIA-R/R131 was higher in patients with chronic brucellosis compared with acute brucellosis, we did not find any statistically significant differences (53.8% vs. 46.3%, P=0.65).

Conclusion: The result of this study showed that the homozygous genotype of FCγRIIA-R/R131 in patients with brucellosis may be associated with susceptibility to brucellosis as a genetic risk factor.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Immunology
Published: 2014/08/11

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