Volume 11, Issue 3 (Aug 2023)                   Res Mol Med (RMM) 2023, 11(3): 161-176 | Back to browse issues page

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A. Addissouky T. From Reactive to Proactive: Advances Leading the Paradigm Shift in Cholecystitis Management. Res Mol Med (RMM) 2023; 11 (3) :161-176
URL: http://rmm.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-485-en.html
Department of Medical Laboratories Techniques, College of Technology and Health Sciences, AL-Mustaqbal University, Babylon, Iraq. , tedesoky@gmail.com, tedesoky@science.menofia.edu.eg
Abstract:   (388 Views)
Background: Cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, has created a significant burden globally. The prevailing paradigm of awaiting irreversible damage before surgically removing the gallbladder is not only traumatic and risky but also fails to address the underlying causes. However, exponential growth in scientific insights now promises a shift towards precision prevention and cure.
Materials and Methods: Pathophysiological mechanisms involved in cystic duct obstruction by gallstones cause gallbladder stasis, direct mucosal injury, vascular compromise, leukocyte infiltration, and secondary infection. Advanced imaging, multiomics profiling, and machine learning unpack early molecular events in lithogenesis and inflammation missed by traditional techniques. Revolutionary endoluminal interventions, anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals, antibiotic-eluting stents and medications targeting root lithogenic pathways offer alternatives to surgery for drainage restoration and stone prevention. Lifestyle optimization guided by nutrigenomics and pharmacogenomics increasingly personalizes risk factor modification. Ongoing exponential technological gains in nanomedicine, artificial intelligence integration, and minimally invasive techniques promise further preemptive, curative, non-surgical paradigms addressing pathogenesis at the molecular source.
Results: Analysis revealed previously unidentified molecular signatures in early-stage cholecystitis, enabling intervention before irreversible damage occurs. Personalized risk factor modification guided by nutrigenomic and pharmacogenomic profiling demonstrated significant preventive potential. Integration of artificial intelligence with nanomedicine technologies showed promising results in predicting and preventing stone formation. Novel non-surgical interventions achieved 73% success in restoring drainage and preventing stone formation, with significantly lower complication rates compared to traditional cholecystectomy.
Conclusion: Synergizing breakthroughs across domains now position cholecystitis management for a monumental shift from reactive treatment on macroscopic changes towards proactive precision prevention, cure, and health maintenance by comprehending and controlling the underlying molecular cascades. This transformation promises dramatic improvements in patient safety, quality of life, mortality and healthcare economics.
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Type of Study: review | Subject: Molecular biology
Published: 2023/11/19

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