Volume 8, Issue 2 (May 2020)                   Res Mol Med (RMM) 2020, 8(2): 63-70 | Back to browse issues page

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Norouzi Bazgir Z, Mirzaei B, Haghshenas M R, Goli H R, Shafaie E. Multi-drug Resistant Citrobacter freundii Isolates in a Burn Hospital in Northeast of Iran: A Single-Center Cross-sectional Study. Res Mol Med (RMM) 2020; 8 (2) :63-70
URL: http://rmm.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-351-en.html
1- Department of Medical Microbiology and Virology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Sari, Iran; Student Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
2- Department of Medical Microbiology and Virology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Sari, Iran; Department of Medical Microbiology and Virology, School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran. , dr.bahman.m@gmail.com
3- Department of Medical Microbiology and Virology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Sari, Iran.
4- Infectious Diseases Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran.
Abstract:   (5051 Views)
Background: Multi-drug resistant (MDR) Citrobacter freundii (C. freundii) as a causative agent of nosocomial infections is a health threat, especially in hospitals. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of MDR C. freundii, considering isolation sites and a variety of utilized antibiotics.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the clinical samples of C. freundii strains were collected and screened using traditional bacteriological tests in Zareh Hospital, Sari City, Iran, during 2016-2017. We used disk diffusion methods to assess the susceptibility patterns of isolates according to the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines.
Results: Out of 3248 clinical samples, C. freundii strains were detected in 109 samples (32.1% females and 67.9% males). Susceptibility tests indicated that 89 isolates (81.65%) were MDR strains. Frequencies of MDR C. freundii strains were higher in the Behavioral Intensive Care Unit (BICU) (37.61%) and restoration ward (29.35%) compared with other hospital wards.
Conclusion: Considering the MDR C. freundii strains detected from burn hospital wards, it is necessary to implement prevention criteria for their eradication from burn hospitals. The results indicate the urgent need to design more practical methods for controlling infection in hospital wards.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Microbiology
Published: 2020/04/11

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