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Showing 2 results for Pathogenic

Khadije Rezaie Keikhaie , Aliyeh Sargazi, Mehdi Hassansnhahian, Zahra Shahi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (2-2017)

Background: The nosocomial infections that cause the establishment of biofilms on the embedded biomedical surfaces are the leading cause of sepsis and are often related to colonization of implants by Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Materials and Methods: A total of 40 clinical S. aureus isolates were collected from Zabol, Iran. The ability of these strains to form biofilm was determined by microliter tissue culture plates. All clinical isolates were tested for the presence of icaA and icaD genes by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
Results: The outcome of this study showed that from 40 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, 12 (30%) of them were contained icaA gene and 8 (20%) isolates were positive for icaD gene and five (12.5%) isolates were contained both genes.
Conclusion: The capability of S. aureus clinical isolates to form biofilm is different/diverse. This may be caused by the differences in the containing of biofilm- related genes, genetic make-up and physiological situation.
Dr. Hossein Jalali, Dr. Fatemeh Pourfatemi, Miss Maryam Rahimi, Dr. Mohammad Reza Mahdavi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (11-2023)

Background: The ZC4H2 gene is highly expressed during brain development, and it’s expression is involved the development of the nervous systemnvolves the nervous system, especially during the fetal period. The pathogenic variants in the ZC4H2 gene are associated with X-linked intellectual disability (ID).
Methods: DNA analyses on a 3-year-s old boy with mental retardation, muscular atrophy, developmental delay, movement and Respiratory respiratory problems, and joint contracture using whole exome sequencing and confirmatory Sanger sequencing method revealed a novel pathogenic variant (c. 197 T>C) in the ZC4H2 gene.
Results: This variant affect the development of the nervous system that could leadss the nervous system`s development, leading to a better understanding of ZC4H2 function.
Conclusion: Genotype/phenotype correlation analysis of new cases with pathogenic variants on the ZC4H2 gene could be informative for a better understanding of of the ZC4H2 function in humans.

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