Background: Expression of UBE2Q1, UBE2Q2, and members of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme family (E2) are affected in colorectal cancer (CRC). The BECN gene plays a key role in CRC cells. In gastrointestinal carcinoma therapy, tumor-associated antigens such as CEA are typically used.To investigate the association between UBE2Q1 and Beclin1 autophagy marker and CEA protein expression in LS180 CRC cell line.
Materials and methods: In this study, changes in the expression of BECN marker in LS180 cell lines with the vector containing UBE2Q1 were investigated using real-time PCR. The expression of CEA protein was also evaluated by western blotting. Statistical analyses were performed with Graph Pad Prism software.
Results: The results indicated reduced expression of BECN autophagy marker (P=0). Therefore, in the presence of UBE2Q1, cancer cells have less ability to induce autophagy. However, CEA protein levels in LS180 transfected cells with a UBE2Q1-ORF-containing plasmid decreased when compared to non-transfected cells.
Conclusion: The use of pharmacologic inhibitors related to the autophagy mechanism can be a novel approach in cancer therapy.